A scientist whose findings as powerful as Gallileo, Newton and Einstein who proved the links between the Koran and the design structure of the human body is Dr. Ahmad Khan. He graduated summa cum laude from Duke University. Although he was a rising young scientists, visible only to God and his love for genetic research. His office is decorated with calligraphy, paper-paper awards, dog-eared stack of books and scriptures are often opened, indicating that it is a combination of scientists and lovers of the holy book.
One of the discoveries that shocked the world of science is the discovery of information other than the construction of polypeptides that are built from DNA codon. The first verse is a letter that encourages research "Fussilat" verse 53 which is also corroborated by the results of the discovery of Professor Keith Moore embryologist from Canada. His invention was inspired when Khatib at the time of Friday prayers recited a verse that is related to the biological sciences. The sound of the verse is as follows: "... wa fi Sanuriihim ayatinaa filafaaqi anfusihim hatta yatabayyana lahum annahu ul-haqq ..." Which means: And will we show our signs in nature and within themselves, until it is clear to them that this is the truth ".

Initial hypothesis proposed Dr. Ahmad Khan was the word "ayatinaa" has the meaning of "Ayat Allah", is described by Allah that there are signs of His power also in man. According to Ahmad Khan Signs of Allah, there is also in the DNA (Deoxy nucleotides Acid) man. He further assumes that there is a possibility of passage from the Koran is part of the human gene. In the world of biology and genetics of known amount of DNA present without producing protein altogether. Area without the production of these so-called Junk DNA or junk DNA. In fact the DNA according to Ahmad Khan, a far cry from the meaning of waste. According to the results of his research, Junk DNA is a string of word-the word of God as creator as well as signs of Allah for a people who think. As insinuated by God; Afala tafakaruun (if you do not want to engage in meditation or use common mind).

After working with his brother by the name of Imran, an expert in systems analysis, laboratory genetic gain from government projects. The project was originally intended to study genes in human intelligence. Ahmad Khan with his hard work trying to find the Arabic letters that may be formed from chains cromosome codon in humans. Until such combinations result in the verses of the Koran. Finally, on January 2, 1999 at 2 am, he found the first verse "Bismillahir Rahman ir Raheem. Iqra bismirrabbika ladzi Khalq"; "read the name of your Lord who created". The verse is the beginning of Surat al-A'laq which is the first letter of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad in the Cave of Hira. Surprisingly after the discovery of the first verse is verse appeared one after the other quickly. Until now he has managed to find 1/10 verses of the Al-Qur'an.

In the interview quoted "Ummi" 6/X/99 issue, Ahmad Khan said: "I believe this work is amazing, and I risked my career for this. I discuss my findings with my two colleagues: Clive and Martin a geneticist who been cynical towards Islam. I wrote to two other scientists who had always been allergic to Islam, namely and Larhammar of Uppsala University in Sweden and Aris Dreisman of the University of Berlin.

Ahmad Khan then compile its findings in a few sheets of paper that many contain the genetic code codons in cromosome human chain, namely: T, C, G, and A nucleotides of each code will result in the Arabic alphabet which when strung together would be the word of God very impressive.

At the end of his interview Dr. Ahmad Khan gave the message "May the publication of my book" Qur'an and Genetics ", the more aware of the Muslims, that Islam is a complete way of life. We can not separate religion from politics, education or art. May non-Muslims realize that there is no point in confronting science with religion. Similarly, the nursing sciences. author hopes there will come a generation steeped in the principles of nursing science were excavated from the religion of Islam. it can be started from the good intentions of the policy holder (decission maker) who are Muslims in both the educational institutions or at government level. Facilitate and support morally and financially.

Tajaten Tahasen Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Chiang Mai Thailand, recently declared himself converted to Islam while reading the paper of Professor Keith Moore of the United States. Keith Moore is the leading Embryology experts from Canada, citing a letter of An-Nisa verse 56 which explains that the burns are deep enough not to cause pain because sensory nerve endings have been lost. After returning to Thailand Tajaten explain the findings to students, students eventually as many as 5 people declared themselves to Islam.

The sound of the letter of An-Nisa, among others, as berkut: "Surely those who disbelieve in our revelations, we will later enter them into hell, whenever their skin is burned, we replace them with skins other skins that they feel the pain of punishment. Allah is Mighty, Wise. "
Reviewed in anatomical layers of our skin is composed of three global layers namely epidermis, dermis and sub ​​cutis. In the sub cutis layer contains the ends of blood vessels and nerves. In the event of combustio grade III (severe burns that have penetrated the sub cutis) one sign that the loss of the patient's pain. This is because the already non-functioning of the ends of the afferent and efferent nerve fibers that regulate the sensation persefsi. That is why God regrow damaged skin when he tortured a pagan servants so that His servants can feel the pain of the punishment of God. Almighty God, who inserts the word, his word and get some greatness by the body cells, chromosomes, blood vessels, nerves and so on. Rabbana makhalqta batila hada, Ya Allah ... there was nothing that you create it in vain.
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Of the ship towards Islam

A marine experts expressed fascination to the Koran that he has given of his search for answers to this. Prof. Yves Jackues Costeau a oceanografer, who frequently appears on television Discovey, while diving to find some fresh springs in the middle of the ocean depths. Springs are different levels of chemical, color and taste, and not mixed with other sea water. For years he tried to conduct research and seek answers to the mystery. Until one day met a Muslim professor, then he explains about the Qur'an Surat Ar-Rahman verses 19-20 and verse of Surat al-Furqan 53. At first verse is interpreted in the mouth of the estuary of the river but the river was not found pearls. Terpesonalah Mr. Costeau until he converted to Islam. Quote the verse is as follows:

And He Who has let the two seas (side by side, which is fresh and fresh again another bitter salty again, and He made ​​between the two walls and a block boundary (Surat al-Furqan: 53).

Based on the above case, can give us that the verses of the holy Koran is able to explain the phenomenon Cromosome, Anatomy, oceanography, Nursing and space (see "Journal of Nursing Unpad" issue 4, pp. 64-70). Actually there are many Quranic verses that describe the evolution and genetic phenomena such as As-Sajdah Sura 4, verse 53 of al-A'raf, Sura 3, verse Hud 7, but due to limited space in this column, and with all the limitations of science and the authors knowledge, the step that should be God's hope and only Allah Almighty is vast and his knowledge. And Allaah knows best. ***